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When your Fish Extender arrives

During shipping your Fish Extender might get a little messy. The juggling and bustling of the packages sometimes cause ribbons to get loose or creases in the back of the fish extender. DO NOT STRESS about this. Let’s talk about how to quickly and easily fix this.

  • Decorative ribbons and the hanging ribbon are tied in a clove hitch knot so they stay on and can be easily tightened if necessary. However, should they come loose simply separate out each side of the ribbons and pull them in opposite directions. This tightens up the clove hitch knot quickly and easily.
  • If your fish extender arrives with creases in the folding (this happens mostly when it’s really hot outside during shipping), just gently unfold the fish extender and place near a sunny/warm area of your home to allow the creases to fall out. If this isn’t working you may take a warm iron to the creases. But remember, DO NOT PRESS/IRON OVER THE FELT, EMBROIDERY DESIGNS, THE BACK (WHITE SIDE) OR TRIM. This can cause melting or shining of the fabric. It’s always best practice to place a cotton piece of fabric over any area you’re pressing.

If you have ANY questions about your custom fish extender, please do not hesitate to reach out.

-Kim Townsend, Seamstress

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